Watching someone you know deal with an addiction can be very difficult. However, understanding how to approach and support them can be even tougher.

As the use of drugs and alcohol advances, especially in fast paced, highly-stressful working environments, more and more employers are struggling to gauge whether their employees are using, and if so, how to deal with this. This situation can be difficult to control, especially where both a professional relationship yet friendly connection is present.

Although suspicions may be present, supposing that an employee is suffering with a drug and alcohol addiction, employers must tread carefully; from a litigation angle, along with triggering further mental health and habitual behaviours. For many employees using, the thought of their employers having knowledge of this will be distressing. Therefore, to keep an employee’s best interest at heart, a certain approach should be followed when concerning addiction.

Here at Ocean Recovery Centre, we offer both self and employer referrals, ensuring that support can be acquired by those in need. See how to approach an employee with an addiction, along with the available addiction treatment and support.


Signs & Symptoms Of A Drug Or Alcohol Addiction

Common signs and symptoms of substance abuse include a change of mood, irritability, spikes in energy, and further habitual behaviours, along with physical indications such as malnourishment and sleep deprivation.

Now it is understandable for concern to be present from an employer’s perspective; their employees’ quality of life is deteriorating, along with impacts to work activity. However, it is important to understand the differentiation between substance abuse and addiction.

If an employee is suffering with an addiction, intervention, under law is acceptable; something we promote here at Ocean Recovery Centre. However, it is important to ensure an addiction is present, as false accusations could trigger further substance abuse, along with damaging a professional relationship. There’s also an issue related to workplace discrimination which can damage the workplace moral and deviate from equality policies. Therefore, getting involved too early can carry greater risk long-term.

With this in mind, it is important to fully understand the signs of a drug and alcohol addiction before requesting expert support. If an employee actively consumes dangerous substances, communicates so, or allows their addiction to control their life, it’s time to seek rehabilitation through medical intervention.


How To Approach An Employee Suffering With Addiction

Once it is common knowledge that an addiction is present, possibly through drug testing, and is causing issues in the workplace, approaching an employee regarding treatment services is recommended.

However, it is important to consider the approach you follow. Although under employment legislation, employers will have the right to suspend or terminate a contract of employment, it is also recommended to offer a helping hand at this difficult time.

To achieve this, one of the most effective yet compassionate ways will be through the use of a substance abuse professional. This will provide a neutral standpoint, offering support, recommendations, tests, rehabilitation recommendations and aftercare guidance. It is important that within a workplace environment, support to overcome an addiction is present for the employee suffering. Yet this must be controlled to ensure the risk of further legislative issues is reduced, along with considering health and safety, and the life of the employee involved.

If you are concerned about an employee, and require assistance with the best steps moving forward, feel free to contact our addiction specialists today. Every situation will be different, therefore, acquiring professional support immediately will ease this difficult time. If you believe an employee is suffering with addiction, taking a step back and considering your behaviour and actions will be required to deal with this situation effectively. Please do not attempt to deal with this situation without understanding your legal standpoint.


Available Support For Those With An Addiction

Free Of Addiction

By reaching out to our team here at Ocean Recovery Centre, an employee/employer referral is possible. We understand how difficult this time is, by attempting to wear two hats at once; the professional perspective of an employer, and the caring helping hand of a colleague.

With this in mind, we can guide you with the most appropriate steps moving forward, ensuring that both legislative support and relationship building guidance is present.

If the concerned employee welcomes support, we have a comprehensive rehab programme available to help diminish a drug and alcohol addiction, from mild to chronic cases. We can aid the recovery of your colleague by working through personalised treatment programmes, psychological therapy, and long-term recovery goals.

Our team of addiction specialists are on hand to guide clients through the rehabilitation process, while providing support through general life stages; promoting a positive outlook on future career steps. This is a highly successful programme, helping those with some of the most deep-routed drug and alcohol addictions.


Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programmes

For many employers, an understanding of the drug and alcohol rehab process is desired to ensure they can support their employee as effectively as possible. By referring your colleague to our rehab, they will complete a process of transformation, while undergoing a range of our industry leading addiction treatments.

Support and care will be provided throughout to ensure our clients are comfortable and prepared to recover through this difficult time. Depending on the severity of a drug and alcohol addiction, treatment and rehab lengths will vary, ensuring that long-term recovery is highly probable.

Please be reassured that throughout this time, all details will remain confidential, following our professional approach. However, we will ensure that care and consideration will be provided to each client, along with suitable support to rehabilitate.

Alongside supporting our clients, we can guide employers on how to deal with addiction in the workplace, along with the best approaches moving forward to avoid relapses.

If you believe that your workplace or a specific employee would benefit from a comprehensive, industry leading rehab programme, reach out today. Watching an employee suffer with addiction is difficult and worrying. Take the most appropriate steps to helping them through this time of need.

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: January 13, 2022

John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.