Glasgow Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Your recovery starts here. Our Glasgow centre combine drug and alcohol detox and mental therapy to help overcome addiction. We have spaces available now!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Glasgow

Often, simply making a statement is a sign that someone struggling with alcohol dependence in Glasgow is ready for help. Just saying “I need help with alcohol” is an important step on the road to recovery and finding alcohol support groups can make a huge difference.

For many people, having a strong support network and being able to talk about problems in a group is all that’s needed for successful alcohol withdrawal.

Other people find it more of a struggle and they seek additional support with their addiction. This is particularly true for those whose working and personal lives have been seriously affected by alcohol.

A GP can make a referral to local drug rehab and alcohol rehab centres but some patients prefer to make contact with alcohol recovery centres themselves direct. A good place to start is to Google something like “alcohol rehab near me”.

At the Ocean Recovery Centre, we specialise in supporting our valued Glasgow patients with alcohol withdrawal treatment and long-term alcohol recovery strategies. By working together with you, we can help you regain control over your life and body.

Our highly experienced, caring Glasgow rehabilitation centre team is completely committed to your treatment and ongoing sustainable recovery. To talk to a member of our team in total confidence, please contact us on (number) or complete the contact form below.


Do I need alcohol withdrawal treatment?

Considering alcohol withdrawal treatment? Alcohol is synonymous with fun and socialising in Britain and that’s fine in moderation. But you could have a drink problem if:

  • you often drink in the daytime
  • you get very drunk in social situations
  • your drinking causes you to “black out” and forget what you have said or done
  • you rely on alcohol to help you relax and unwind
  • your tolerance for alcohol is higher than it used to be, and you can drink a lot more than your friends without feeling the effects
  • others have expressed concern about your drinking
  • your weight or appetite have been affected by alcohol
  • you feel depressed or anxious at the thought of having alcohol or not having alcohol

You may find that you know you’re drinking more than you should be but that you feel that you no longer have control. It may also be that the idea of going without a drink makes you feel anxious or unwell. This is a key characteristic of alcohol addiction as often the brain tricks people into thinking they need a drink to cope with daily life.

If this sounds familiar, you may have become physically dependent on alcohol and you really should seek immediate help.


What is an alcohol rehabilitation program from our Glasgow clinic?

Alcohol rehabilitation is a personalised program of treatments designed to stop you from drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. The treatments are carried out at our Glasgow clinic by friendly, professional and highly supportive staff.

As with other addictions, drinking too much alcohol affects your brain chemistry and your ability to reason. If going without a drink makes you feel unwell but you still convince yourself you’ve got things under control, this is your brain playing tricks on you so you carry on drinking.


What is an alcohol rehabilitation centre like in Glasgow?

Our alcohol rehab clinic in Glasgow is a friendly, supportive environment in which you can start your road to recovery. You will probably ask “How long does alcohol rehabilitation take in your Glasgow clinic?” The answer is you’ll be with us for 28 days.

During those 28 days, your body and brain will have the chance to recover from the damage alcohol has caused. You may experience Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms or Delirium Tremens;  dangerous health conditions that require you to be supervised by the round-the-clock medical team here at our Glasgow clinic. This is a critical stage in your recovery, so please do not attempt to do this yourself at home

Detox is not an easy process but it’s so important to remember that the pain you feel during those early stages will be more than worth it in the long run.


Therapy and aftercare

During your time with us, we will work with you to identify the underlying issues that led you to alcohol in the first place. For the vast majority of people, understanding key triggers and answering difficult questions have a huge impact on their ability to avoid alcohol abuse in the future.

When the 28 days are up, you will feel better than you have in a long time. But this is just the beginning of your journey.

We will do everything we can to help you stay free from alcohol and drug addiction. Our non-judgemental, highly skilled therapists are here to support you with various forms of therapy today and in the future.


Does alcohol rehab really work?

Yes, when people commit to it. According to Public Health England’s latest statistics, 29% of clients drop out. However, once you eliminate those who leave early from the figures, 31,982 people were declared as “treatment completed – free of dependence” out of a total of 37,264. That’s 85.2%.

So yes, alcohol rehab definitely works. But it won’t be easy. It’s important that you understand that it’s going to be a challenge, you will be out of your comfort zone and away from your home comforts while you’re staying with us in our Glasgow clinic. If you want to be successful, you have to be prepared to work hard and accept support.


Does alcohol rehab affect custody and visitation rights?

Courts and Social Services departments definitely look more favourably on claims for custody or visitation rights if people can show a commitment to making positive changes. If you have completed an alcohol treatment course, you are likely, in many cases, to have a much greater chance than someone who has never sought help with their addiction problems.