It isn’t easy for people to accept that they have a drinking problem, for a number of reasons. One of these is that there is a drinking culture, especially in the UK, which normalises heavy and problem drinking.

For those who exhibit damaging drinking behaviours, it is too easy to explain away any thought that they might have a problem because their friends and family are often right there drinking alongside them.

However, just because you always see the people around you drinking does not mean that they are drinking as much as you or that you don’t have a problem. If you drink regularly with three or four groups of people, and go out every night, there is every chance that the individuals in those groups only drink when you see them, and not the rest of the time. An alcohol addiction is also characterised by a need to drink rather than enjoying it.

If you think that you have an alcohol problem then it is important that you get help as soon as possible, before the more negative effects of alcoholism take over. Here are some signs that you need to think about alcohol rehab.


Your doctor tells you that you have health problems caused by drinking

Over a period of time, alcohol abuse causes terrifying damage to your body, and can be attributed to everything from mental health issues to cirrhosis of the liver. There are actually more than 200 health problems linked with alcohol abuse, and some of the conditions that you need to be aware of include:

Heart disease
Liver disease
Mouth cancer
Ovarian cancer
Prostate cancer
Breast cancer
Irritable bowel syndrome
Restless leg syndrome

If you have been diagnosed with any of these issues, even at the earliest stages, it is a clear sign that you need to get your drinking habits in hand before the situation escalates.


If your loved ones bring up your drinking

Often people’s friends and families will mention something in jest that they actually want to talk about seriously, to test the waters and see if they can discuss it with the person. Even if your loved ones have only spoken to you about your drinking in a light-hearted way, the fact that they are mentioning it at all is a clear sign that there is an issue that is obvious to other people. Sometimes it can be easier for other people to see your problems than it is for you because you are too close to it.


If you have caused harm to yourself or others because of drinking

This is a very clear sign that your drinking habits are causing problems. A lot of people make jokes about crazy nights out where someone got injured or something dangerous happened, but this is an indicator that something is wrong. Alcohol should never be used as an excuse for dangerous or damaging behaviour that you would never do when sober.

There is also the concern that alcohol can make you overly emotional or irrational, and some people with alcohol addictions have caused themselves deliberate harm when drinking. Again, if this is the case and you wouldn’t behave this way when sober, you need help as soon as possible.


You find it hard to quit

A lot of alcoholics will justify their problems by saying that they can quit anytime they want and may even take part in things like ‘Sober October’ or Dry January’ as a way to ‘prove’ to themselves and others that they don’t have a problem. However, most people don’t feel the need to prove to others that they can go without a drink if they really can. Another sign is that once this period of time has passed, the first thing you think about doing is going back to drinking.


You lie about your drinking

Perhaps you tell people you’ve had a couple of glasses of wine when you’ve actually had a bottle, or maybe you drink alone and in secret. Either way, lying about your drinking habits should tell you that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. People don’t lie unless they’ve got something to hide, and they only hide things that they feel shame about.


You don’t know how to stop

For many addicts, the time for rehab comes when they are finally sick and tired of the problems that their addiction is causing. With alcohol addiction, hangovers, withdrawal symptoms, missing work and falling out with friends and family is bound to take its toll eventually.

You may start thinking about wanting to quit, but with no idea how you can stop because the behaviour is now so deeply ingrained. This is the time to go and get professional medical help that can change your behaviour patterns and give you the tools that you need to get better.

An addiction is a medical condition and there is no shame in heading to a medical facility when you need help getting over it.


How can rehab help?

It is critical that you get professional help when it comes to treating an addiction. The first, and most basic reason, is that if you are physically addicted to alcohol then it can be dangerous or even fatal for you to quit cold turkey. In a rehab facility you will be detoxed carefully and safely, under the watchful eye of trained medical staff, making your detox safer and less uncomfortable.

The next is that rehab doesn’t just offer medical intervention, it also offers psychological therapy sessions to help you to get to the root of your addiction, which in turn teaches you how to overcome it once you have left rehab.

At Ocean Recovery Centre, you will work with trained professionals and use a range of healing methods including cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), individual and group counselling, mindfulness techniques, massage, diet and nutrition help and so on. Not only is this a secure and luxurious environment in which to heal from your addiction, but you also learn all of the skills you need to lead a happier, sober life outside.

Find out more about how Ocean Recovery Centre can help you by calling us on 01253 847 553, or text HELP to 83222

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: December 14, 2021

John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.