Whether you’re struggling through independent mental health symptoms, or you’re displaying signs of a dual diagnosis, targeted and suitable support will be invaluable. Available through rehab, all-around recovery can be aimed for, including mental health rehabilitation.

Damagingly, the stigma surrounding mental health issues makes it very difficult to reach out for and accept professional help. Yet, untreated or mistreated mental health issues and/or dual diagnosis of substance abuse can materialise into life-limiting effects.

There are a wealth of mental health rehab services out there, aiming to motivate and sustain recovery, stability, and positivity. Through a range of treatment services, therapies, and steppingstones, relieving the struggles of depression, anxiety and further conditions is possible.

Here’s some insight into ‘how can rehab support my mental health?’, touching on the residential rehab support you can expect here at Ocean Recovery.


Mental health rehab services

Symptoms, types, and degrees of mental health disorders differ to such a level, requiring a variety of available rehab services. For example, someone who’s struggling with a dual diagnosis of mental health symptoms and substance abuse will require additional forms of support through rehab.

One of the most relied upon mental health services surrounds NHS offerings, where treatment and support can be experienced on an outpatient basis. Treatment sessions, prescription medications and supportive resources are available, helping to manage mental health symptoms.

Support groups through community rehabilitation are also a favoured option for people suffering from poor mental health, due to the perspective, guidance, and network that they can develop. Regular meetings can help to promote routine, which is beneficial when looking to improve mental health, along with offering support through symptoms, triggers, and crises.

However, for some people, the lack of structure and intensity that follows outpatient treatment will make it difficult to recover, instead of leaning on inpatient rehab services. Here’s where a personal programme of treatment can be recommended, looking deeper into the cause of poor mental health. Specific mental health treatment services will be advised based on the type and severity of the condition that you’re encountering, which will focus on coping, on understanding and on improving mental health.

Here’s some insight into ‘how can rehab support my mental health?’, from the treatments you can expect to complete to the aims of rehabilitation here at Ocean Recovery.


How can rehab support my mental health?

Inpatient rehab will offer support in a multitude of different ways. It’s ideal for individuals who are suffering through an independent diagnosis or even a dual diagnosis. Support is found through emotional guidance, to work through symptoms of or challenges linked to poor mental health. Emotional support can be difficult to come by on a personal level, as not every loved one or employer understands the realism of depression, mood disorders or further mental health vulnerabilities.

Mental health rehab, on an inpatient basis also offers support through a consistent stream of progressive treatments and therapies, completed on a day-by-day basis. Treatment not only works to suppress initial causations of poor mental health but also offers recovery efforts, to rehabilitate and grow from symptoms and challenges. Again, treatment is suitable for a dual diagnosis, where addiction is also present through either primary or secondary symptoms.

Selecting rehab as a mental health recovery route will also offer comprehensive support from a lifestyle perspective, which helps to strengthen recovery probabilities. Focus on mindfulness, physical wellbeing, coping strategies, routine and lifestyle choices will combine with treatment to offer support through active recovery and post-rehab life.

If you’re wondering ‘how can rehab support my mental health?’, its offering not only provides active guidance, treatment, and possible prescriptions throughout your inpatient programme but also continues with ongoing support on an aftercare level. Rehab is a comprehensive tool that provides clients with the opportunity to recover, while also offering the skills to cope through, manage and suppress mental health symptoms.

Although visiting an inpatient mental health rehab may seem unnecessary, as conditions such as depression and anxiety are becoming heavily normalised, management of such conditions can be very tough alone. Lone attempts can aggravate symptoms and even lead to dual diagnosis, highlighting the efficient and effective support that rehab entails. In the event of any degree of vulnerability, rehab will focus on comprehensive rehabilitation, aiming to vastly improve mental wellbeing.


Mental health treatments

What treatments are provided within rehab will depend on the nature of symptoms, their severity, and also whether addiction is also present. Through a reputable mental health rehab clinic, a tailored programme of treatment will be provided, which is the approach that we follow here at Ocean Recovery.

Although tailoring is very important, there are some widespread treatments that help to relieve and improve mental health, only available through inpatient rehab at such a progressive rate.

Cognitive behavioural therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy are two significant mental health treatments, which help to understand, process, and build on emotional responses. Moving on from causations and managing triggers are the aim of each therapy option, suitably completed for depression, panic disorders, compulsive disorders, and personality disorders.

Exposure therapy is also a beneficial treatment that helps to offer clarity, perspective, and insight into mental health recovery, ideally combined with relapse prevention efforts. The aims of exposure therapy fall on the ability to measure responses to influential stimuli, with the opportunity to adopt such reactions.

Further talking therapies, within individual, group and family structures will work through mental health rehabilitation, to process feelings, to build a support network and also develop a degree of accountability.

Coping techniques, stress management, lifestyle management, focusing on nutrition, movement and routine, and relapse prevention will also be found as a part of inpatient rehab, turning initial recovery into a sustainable goal.

Ultimately, rehab will truly support you through a range of the above treatments, by listening to your needs, delivering support to cater to your needs and forming a progressive programme that boasts self-development and recovery. Such services are suitable for lone mental health struggles and also the combination of addiction, treatable through dual diagnosis treatment options.


Aims of mental health rehab at Ocean Recovery

Here at Ocean Recovery, our aim is to provide mental health support through the means of inpatient rehab, not only in place to ease recovery but to also sustain it. By understanding your needs and by assessing your symptoms, triggers, and consequences, we’re equipped to offer tailored programmes of treatment, to alleviate your struggles while providing management skills.

Rehab itself does provide support through a variety of forms, from emotional guidance to the ability to comprehensively recover through inpatient and aftercare services. Having the ability to improve mental health and maintain stability and balance are realistic goals to aim for through our programmes.

Reach out for personal insight into ‘how can rehab support my mental health?’ starting from your admissions process.

John Gillen - Author - Last updated: August 13, 2021

John is one UK’s leading professionals in the addiction recovery industry. Pioneering new treatment techniques such as NAD+ and ongoing research into new therapy techniques such as systematic laser therapy, John is committed to providing the very best treatment for people throughout the UK and Europe. During his extremely busy schedule, John likes to regularly update our blog section with the latest news and trends in the industry to keep visitors to our site as well informed as possible on everything related to addiction treatment.