Harborne Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious issue throughout the UK and is particularly prevalent in some parts of the Midlands.

We have drug and alcohol treatment centres in Harborne

If you are struggling with substance and addiction, drug and alcohol rehab in Harborne could be your way out. Contact us today to find out how we can help you to find the right rehabilitation centre to turn your life around.

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Are you suffering from Drug and Alcohol Addiction and need help? If so, Ocean Recovery is a leading UK based expert in Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab. Find out how we can help by getting in touch with our friendly team today. You can either call our confidential helpline or request a call-back by clicking on the below form.

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Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

If you are worried that you might have an addiction problem there are some symptoms you might want to look out for, including:

  • You crave the substance
  • You get anxious about not having access to drugs and alcohol
  • You build up a tolerance and need more for the same effect
  • You have repeatedly tried and failed to quit or cut down
  • You struggle to limit your intake (no ‘off switch’)
  • You do dangerous things like driving on drink or drugs
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink or take drugs
  • You continue to drink or take drugs knowing there could be negative consequences

People with a drug or alcohol addiction will often be in denial about it, and this can include self-denial. Sometimes it takes someone close to them to help them admit they need help, which is why we also offer support for family and friends. Some signs that a loved one may be struggling with an addiction could include:

  • Secrecy and defensiveness regarding their substance use
  • Witnessing frequent and/or excessive episodes of drinking or drug use
  • Changes in personality and behaviour, such as increased irritability
  • Constant low-level illnesses or infections
  • Lack of interest in appearance, health and hygiene
  • Avoiding situations where they cannot drink or take drugs


Private Drug and Alcohol Treatment Options

Whether you are suffering from alcohol addiction, cannabis addiction, an addiction to other illegal drugs like cocaine or heroin, an addiction to prescription drugs, the right treatment options can help you to make a lasting long-term recovery.

A private drug and alcohol rehab can be the right choice for many people struggling with a serious addiction because it gives you the chance to really focus on your recovery with a complete course of evidence-based treatment delivered by a team of experts in a safe and nurturing environment.

Outpatient treatment such as that offered by the NHS is not typically as intensive. You will have to attend treatment sessions, which could be at different clinics or other venues, as well as manage your own drug or alcohol detox. This can be very difficult and potentially dangerous to undergo without expert help and a medically assisted detox is also more likely to be successful.


Medical Detox and Addiction Therapies

Detoxification, commonly known as detox, is the process during which you metabolise the drugs or alcohol already in your system. Even going through a supervised detox can be incredibly difficult, as long-term drinking or drug use can lead to a dependency on the chemicals involved.

Essentially, your brain and body come to rely on the presence of these chemicals and suffer a range of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they are removed. The exact nature of these withdrawal symptoms can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the type of drug involved.

Alcohol detox, cannabis detox and other kinds of drug detox can all present their own challenges but they can all be very unpleasant and sometimes potentially dangerous. When going through this process at a drug rehab clinic, you will be under medical supervision, with access to round the clock care and appropriate prescription medication.

Detox will also be accompanied by a holistic treatment programme aimed at helping you to explore the root causes of your drug addiction and your behaviour related to it.

Evidence-based treatments could include techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), group therapy, trauma and abuse counselling, 1-1 recovery planning and family mediation therapy. We can also treat certain mental health issues and conditions that may or may not be related to addiction.


Support through your Recovery journey

We can provide support for you throughout your recovery journey, from the moment you decide to look for help until way after you leave our rehab centre. We can guide you through the admissions process and offer confidential help and advice.

You will receive the finest care during any stay with us and we can also provide a comprehensive aftercare and relapse prevention. We also offer support for friends and family, who can also be badly affected by a loved one’s addiction.


How to get help

The first step in finding the help you need is to simply reach out. A phone call or message is all it takes so contact us today and find out how we can help you move forwards into a healthier life free of drink and drugs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right rehab treatment provider can be a life-changing decision; here are some of the most common questions we are asked pre-admission.

What support groups are available?

We can offer vital aftercare programmes but you might also find third party support groups valuable. There is a wide range of charities and other groups out there and we can put you in touch with ones local to you.

What is an Admissions Process?

Our admissions process is designed to ensure that you get the help you need in a treatment centre that is right for you. This will involve confidential pre-admission screening to ask about things like your physical and mental health and details about your substance use. This can be used to tailor our treatment services specifically for your own individual circumstances.

When do I need to go to rehab?

You should ideally go to rehab as soon as you realise that you have a problem with addiction – whether you come to this realisation yourself or are encouraged to reach it through a drug or alcohol intervention. It is never too soon to seek help and the sooner you do so, the more damage you can avoid doing to your health, life and those around you. On the other hand, it is never too late to seek help and many people who have struggled with their addiction for years find they are finally able to break free from the vicious cycle with the help of drug and alcohol rehab programmes.