Lancaster Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

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Lancaster Treatment Centres

When it comes to drug abuse, some users are scared to reach out for professional help because they feel like they’ll expose themselves to authorities. However, we’re here to provide a safe and promising environment where you can seek medical advice and support for your drug and alcohol addiction.


What is Drug Addiction?

First, the reason why people become addicted to drugs varies depending on their personal situation, lifestyle and relationships. At Ocean Recovery, we address these reasons during therapy sessions and addiction counselling to help better understand your alcohol abuse. It’s best to seek medical and professional help at residential treatment, rather than at-home practices, as this has proven to lead to a higher success rate.

Drug addiction is a physical or psychological desire where to medication. It doesn’t matter what the drug in question is – as this varies dramatically – but if you feel an overwhelming uncontrol to seek a drug to feel better, this could be a strong indication of drug addiction. If you take alcohol and/or heroin, you’re likely to experience physical withdrawal symptoms, where drugs such as cocaine and cannabis are more psychological.


Signs You’re Ready to Check into Rehab

You don’t need to be physically addicted to a substance to seek professional help for drug or alcohol addiction. However, there are some common signs which will guide you to check into rehab. First, if your doctor tells you that you have poor health due to drug or alcohol abuse, take their feedback seriously. Alcohol can damage your essential organs – such as the brain, liver and heart. If your body is slowing down and struggling to function normally, this is a clear indication that the drug or alcohol intake is too much for you to handle.

If you notice that during the times you don’t consume drugs or alcohol, you struggle to function in your daily routine, you need to seek medical help. Withdrawal symptoms depend on the severity of your addiction and state of health. Typical symptoms include paranoia, sickness, headaches, muscle cramps, irritability, moodiness and more. The first few hours after sobriety are difficult, but the journey continues to get more challenging.

Your drug and alcohol habits have negative effects on your career, relationships and freedom. Most alcohol and drug abusers risk parts of their life in order to take their substances. It might be that you’ve lost your driving license whilst driving under the influential, your relationship is on the brink, you’re on probation for substance abuse or you’re struggling to perform at work.

Finally, another step that abusers experience is a strong desire to live a sober life, but they have extreme difficulties to not crave another hit. If any of these signs sound like you, don’t hide in the dark, but recognise that this is a positive step forward in living a clean lifestyle.


Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right rehab treatment provider can be a life-changing decision; here are some of the most common questions we are asked pre-admission.

How long is alcohol detox treatment?

Symptoms from an alcohol detox normally peak by 24 hours to 48 hours after initial treatment starting. However, this can differ depending on the level of addiction you have. If you are a heavy drinker – usually, it will take 7 to 10 days to fully detox from alcohol.

What Does Alcohol and Drug Rehab Consist of?

If you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Lancaster, we have an array of treatment options to support your recovery. The main objective of attending a treatment centre is to change your thinking and create personality and habitual changes to overcoming your addictions. The reason we offer numerous treatment services is because we appreciate that everyone is different and requires a unique level of treatment and attention. We want you to have the best chance of recovery under our care and after rehab too, so you can live a long and happy life without needing drugs or alcohol.

The withdrawal stage of recovery is probably the challenging for substance abusers because you have to train your body and mind to live without a substance it’s been used to for a long time. Depending on the severity of your substance abuse you might experience hallucinations and seizures. This can be hard to live with without medical supervision, which is why we have a multitude of detox programs to ease these symptoms and alleviate any pain.

We offer 28 days of care and support to everyone who checks into rehab. During these few weeks, you’ll focus on a detox program and receive inpatient care to get to the root of your alcohol addiction.


Alcohol and Drug Abuse Side Effects

If you combine alcohol and drugs together regularly, you’re increasing your chances of severe health conditions. The bigger the quantity and the longer the course of substance abuse, the worse the effects are on your mind and body. Some short-term alcohol and drug abuse side effects include muscle control difficulties, short-term memory loss, increased/decreased heart rate, breathing problems, inability to concentrate and extreme emotions such as sadness, fear and anxiety.

Long-term alcohol and drug use side effects include organ damage, long-term memory loss, difficulties focusing on your career and family, muscle and bone breakdown and an inability for your body to absorb essential vitamins and nutrients.


Preventing Relapses After Recovery

Our many treatment options are created to improve your success rate of becoming sober and not feeling like you physically or psychologically need drugs to feel alive or happier. At Ocean Recovery, we work tirelessly to prevent any relapses after time spent in our rehab facility. However, no matter how hard we work and care for you, you’ll also have to work to prevent any relapses. Our relapse prevention program provides steps and strategies to reduce the chances of relapse, but also providing a safe place and helpful resources should a relapse happen.

Our after-care support team are by your side should you struggle with your drug or alcohol addiction outside of rehab. This specialist team should be your first point of contact for help and advice.

Don’t be afraid to turn your life around. We’re aware of the challenges and obstacles of getting clean, but we’re here for you every step of the way. Give us a call on 01253 847 553 or fill out a contact form with any questions, and we’ll be happy to help.