Middlesbrough Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

We have addiction rehab clinics to help those addicted to drugs or alcohol. Our affordable and comfortable rehab centres can put you on the road to recovery. Call us on 01253 847 553 for advice and admissions.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Middlesbrough

Rehabilitation is a phrase that often misleads, and people who have not experienced a rehabilitative environment can often draw false conclusion about what rehab entails. Unfortunately, this can lead to people writing off rehabilitation before they have even given it proper consideration. At our drug and alcohol rehab centre near Middlesbrough, our experience shows two distinct presumptions people make about drug and alcohol rehab, and neither is truly reflective of the reality of rehab.

Firstly, there are those who assume that rehab is exclusive to the rich and famous. They picture supermodels under pool-side parasols and rock-stars being waited on by butlers. In reality, the majority of our clients are normal everyday people who have taken a wrong turn, rather than high-flying celebs. Of course, there are rehab centres out there that strive to provide the most luxurious service possible, but the vast majority are much more low key and accessible than those portrayed in tabloid gossip columns.

Secondly, there are those who imagine a sparse, clinical environment that is akin to a secure hospital unit. Bleak hallways, Victorian wards and domineering matrons force feeding medication to reluctant patients spring to mind surprisingly often from the uninitiated. Fortunately, we can dispel this myth entirely – even if such institutions existed, you certainly would not find them here.

In reality, our alcohol and drug rehab centre in Middlesbrough is relaxing, friendly and staffed by highly trained, considerate staff. They centre is designed to provide a home from home that places you at ease. The chances of successful rehabilitation are greatly increased if clients can approach their recovery with a clear mind, surrounded by professionals upon whom they can rely.


Do I Need To Go To Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Middlesbrough?

The first step to accessing support with drug and alcohol rehab in Middlesbrough is making the realisation that you cannot go without drugs and/or alcohol. Some clients are well aware themselves that they have a problem, whilst others may only come to recognise this when friends, family or colleagues begin to express concerns over increasing levels of substance use. What begins as social or recreational drug use on a sporadic basis at weekends, can begin creeping into a more problematic pattern.

Is your substance use affecting your day to day lifestyle, employment, relationships or financial management? Are you prioritising drug and alcohol use over other more important factors? If so, it may be time to start assessing whether you have an emerging drug and/or alcohol problem. Substance abuse takes on many different forms and not all patterns of drug and alcohol addiction are easy to spot. If you have any doubts or concerns over your substance misuse, get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to start taking steps to find you the help you need. Many of our most successful clients have begun their path to recovery without even realising the full extent of their addiction, but upon reflection it seems so clear.


What Happens In Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Middlesbrough Centre?

Ocean Recovery prioritise the needs of individual clients to design a rehab package that suits your specific needs. The process starts with informal introductions so you can get to know us. This also provides a great opportunity for us to learn more about you, your commitments and lifestyle, and most importantly, your history of alcohol and drug use. By understanding the depth and nature of your addiction, and how it impacts upon you and those around you, we can begin to lay the foundations and plan a treatment plan that compliments you.

We utilise drug and alcohol recovery models from a range of proven sources. In our experience, effective drug and alcohol rehabilitation combines contrasting, multi-stranded recovery techniques in a manner that suits each client. Alcohol and Drug addiction is complex, but we pride ourselves on identifying and implementing fast, targeted treatment that can include:

  • – Medicinal treatments – Medicinal treatments are a fantastic way to stabilise and reduce opiate-based addictions. Carefully monitored and dispensed through professional medically trained staff, the use of safer, legal drugs such as methadone or subutex can help reduce and manage cravings.
  • – Talking Therapies – Talking therapies encompass a range of psychological approaches to drug and alcohol rehab, including counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy (IP). These approaches aim to delve beneath the surface to help you understand your mind set and internal, emotional factors contributing to your addiction.
  • – Homeopathic Treatment – Relaxation is a major part of the recovery process, so techniques such as massage, acupuncture and meditation can be highly beneficial.
  • – Mental Health Support – Emotional wellbeing and mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are often a part of drug and alcohol addiction. Accessing appropriate treatment for such issues can make a huge difference to progress and motivation.
  • – Aftercare Services – We recognise the importance of robust follow up packages that plan thoroughly for the future. Well delivered aftercare ties up loose ends, plans for the future, provides clear contingencies and provides peace of mind as the rehab programme concludes.


Is Residential Rehab in Middlesbrough Expensive?

Drug and alcohol rehab in Middlesborough comes in all shapes and sizes and we prides ourself on our ability to offer a range of effective rehab packages, programmes and treatments. The cost of drug or alcohol rehab treatment in Middlesborough can vary depending on the treatment being sought, but we make every effort to find a solution that fits your budget.


How Do I Find Out More About Ocean Recovery?

Our team are on hand to allay any fears or apprehensions you may have, and advise you on the next steps.

If you’ve got questions or want to know more about our drug and alcohol rehab Middlesbrough service, contact us on 01253 847 553. Swift action is key in the battle against addiction, so get in touch and begin the path to recovery.

We take extra care to ensure you receive the best drug and alcohol rehab treatment available in Middlesbrough, and we are always on hand to chat. Call us on 01253 847 553 to find out more. Alternatively, complete the enquiry form and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.