Wakefield Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Looking for a rehab clinic to help detox and recover from an addiction? Ocean Recovery Centre has single and shared room options, with spaces available today!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Wakefield

If you feel like your relationship with drugs or alcohol is starting to take over your life and you no longer have control, you’re in the right place. We can help you answer questions like “what happens in rehab?” and other important things about how rehabilitation works in Wakefield. Searching for support with your addiction is a positive step on your road to recovery, so we welcome you to our centres.

It’s possible for someone to get off drugs and alcohol on their own but it’s notoriously difficult to make a lasting change without professional help. This is especially true for anyone who has been using for a significant period of time and going it alone without proper medical support can be very dangerous.

We are fortunate enough to have very well-developed residential rehab services here in the UK. The treatments delivered to patients include a combination of medical and psychological techniques which, combined together, helps addicts overcome drug addiction. Most patients are referred to a rehab clinic by their GP, but the waiting lists are very long. Many other people choose to find a clinic themselves by going online and searching “drug/alcohol rehab near me”. Some employers are also willing to refer employees for treatment which can be covered by private medical insurance.

Our rehabilitation centre near Wakefield provides support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is staffed by a highly trained, supportive drug rehab centre team. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you live a life free from alcohol and drug addiction, contact us today in complete confidence on 01253 847 553 or complete the contact form here.


How Can I Tell If I’m Living With An Addiction?

Firstly, it’s important to understand that addiction is an illness, not a choice. If you have become addicted to something, it’s not because you’re a bad person or because you don’t deserve any better. You have become addicted because these drugs are specifically formulated to make people get hooked on them.

Drug and alcohol has an enormous effect on how the mind and body functions. The more you take, the more the mind is altered to make you believe you can’t survive without them. The idea of giving up these substances can be incredibly traumatic and painful, which is how the cycle of addiction begins.

The brain “rewards” substance users with a pleasurable high, which is replaced with painful lows when trying to go without them.


How Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Work?

You’re probably wondering what happens in drug and alcohol rehab courses. The first thing you need to know is that it won’t be easy and your success will depend on you being committed to your own recovery and being prepared to see the program through from start to finish.

Your treatment with our team will begin with a 28-day residential stay at our private clinic. This will include a detox program which will last anything up to two weeks, depending on the level of your addiction. During this period it’s imperative that you completely refrain from drugs and alcohol, so your body has the chance to recover and flush out the toxins.

For many people, this is the most challenging part of the entire process. Detox can be very painful, both physically and emotionally and you may feel like you want to go home and start using drugs again to ease the pain. For this reason, you will be given round-the-clock medical supervision by our team who will offer you prescription medication such as Buprenorphine and Naltrexone to help alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal.

This is just the beginning of your road to recovery. Once the first 28 days are completed with us here in Wakefield, we will continue to offer you support and guidance for as long as you need us. We will also teach you new coping mechanisms to help you deal with life’s ups and downs without turning to drugs.


Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Really Work?

Residential rehab success rates and statistics demonstrate that rehabs definitely work as long as patients stick to their courses.

In the 12 months leading up to March 2017, for people with addiction to opiates and minus people who were transferred, 25,833 people underwent drug addiction treatment. 15,394 dropped out or left because they weren’t ready to commit to the programme, but those who did stay to the end – 10,439 – were declared to be completely free of dependence, with 9,116 no longer using any drugs at all.


How Long Are Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programmes?

As previously stated, your rehab program begins with a 28 day residential stay with us here near Wakefield, but that’s just the beginning. So, how long does rehab actually last?

Because drug and alcohol addiction therapy is tailored to the specific needs of individual patients, the length of treatment varies from person to person. It’s therefore impossible to give an exact answer until we get to know you and understand your specific situation.


Is Rehab Covered By Health Insurance? How Much Does It Cost?

Many people wonder “is rehab free?”. Unfortunately it isn’t. However, many private health insurance policies include rehabilitation so it’s worth having a confidential discussion with your employer about whether they would be able to fund your stay.


I Can’t Afford Rehab – I Don’t Have Insurance, So What Can I Do?

Probably the most important question many people want to know is “How much is drug rehabilitation at our Wakefield clinic?” This really depends on how much treatment you need and how long you will stay with us.

If you’re worried that you won’t be able to afford treatment please do still contact us on 01253 847 553 – if we’re unable to help we may be able to signpost you to someone else who can.