Birkenhead Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Affordable and lasting drug and alcohol rehab in Birkenhead. We provide a FREE 12 month aftercare package to help keep relapse at bay. Get in touch today!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Birkenhead

Worldwide, there are millions of people who tend to drink in a manner that is considered unhealthy. To keep it closer to home, the NHS has recently estimated that nearly a tenth of all adult men have an unhealthy intake of alcohol every week, and that could be considered as a possible indication of an addiction.

Many people tend to underestimate what excessive drinking can lead to. Alcohol in smaller amounts does not do damage, but the line between healthy and unhealthy, gets crossed quite easily and regularly. Many people have seen alcohol ruin their lives, and the lives of their loved ones around them.

Are you one of those people who are struggling with an addiction? At Ocean Recovery Centre, we can help you leave a life of sorrow behind and start again with a clean slate through drug and alcohol rehab. Call us on 01253 847 553 or use our contact form below.


How Do I Know if I’m Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?

There could be multiple indicators that you might have an alcohol addiction. Often, people associate an alcohol addiction with extreme binge drinking. However, it is more about the frequency. There are people who are mildly dependent, and their alcohol intake is not unhealthy when it comes to the amount per drinking session – the frequency is. There are people who struggle to grasp the idea of a day without a drink.

A mild Alcohol Addiction in this case, tends to be a psychological issue. The signs of a psychological dependence on alcohol, are:

  • You think about having a drink throughout the day, even in the morning
  • Mood swings and other mental health issues when you do not have a drink
  • A lack of interest in events that do not include drink.

However, for many people, the psychological alcohol addiction could lead to a physical addiction. This is a later stage of addiction, where your body gets used to the alcohol. As your body adjusts itself to a high blood alcohol concentration, the need for more increases. This could lead to physical complications, ranging from severe mental illnesses, to cancer.

Once you are suffering from a physical alcohol addiction, it will be hard to quit, as withdrawal symptoms could lead to serious complications. However, if you are ready to live a new life, away from the crippling addiction you have been suffering from, there is an option; Alcohol Rehab.


And That’s Where We Can Help You With Our Rehab Centre

We ensure you have the best possible rehab plan available to you to get rid of your drug or alcohol addiction. The treatment centres we work with, tend to have a process that is adjustable to you needs, wants and situation. However, the essence is the same: start with detox and move on to post-detox afterwards.

Alcohol Detox is the process of cleaning out your body from the alcohol. As withdrawal symptoms start to set in, you will need round the clock medical supervision to ease the struggle of withdrawal. Once you have completed your withdrawal, we move on to post-detox.

Post-detox techniques include but are not limited to:

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy): Finding the reason for your alcohol abuse and knowing what sets you off is such an important part of rehab. Getting to know your own way of thinking and finding ways to change it to ensure you don’t fall for the same traps and never fall back in the negative and dangerous cycle of alcohol addiction – a excellent way to deal with your addiction.
  • Reiki: An ancient Japanese technique used for relaxing and improving your physical and mental health. This could help those who drink out of stress or other mental health issues.

Do you want to quit your bad habits today? Call us on 01253 847 553 or e-mail us on [email] for more information.