Liverpool Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Looking for Drug or Alcohol Rehab in Liverpool? Get advice and treatment for your addiction. Spaces are available now!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Liverpool

Ocean Recovery provides residential drug and alcohol rehab in Liverpool. Our rehab clinic uses different treatment options and treatment plans that can lead to a full recovery.

Drug and Alcohol abuse in the UK has always been a long standing problem. With many individuals using both substances as a way to enjoy themselves without taking into account any potential consquences that can come with continued use of drugs and/or alcohol.

The use of drugs in the UK is for the most part illegal although the number of individuals suffering from drug addictions is rising each year, there are many factors that can be attributed to the rises such as more awareness surrounding addiction related issues, the growing illegal drug trafficking network in the UK and changing opinions on drug use.

Alcohol use in the UK is showing no signs of slowing down as it remains completely legal with very limited restrictions but on it’s use in England. The UK has a long history with alcohol abuse with drinking alcohol mostly viewed as a positive activity, and in most cases, when drunk in moderation, it can do no harm and be an enjoyable social activity. However, there is clearly a dark side to alcohol use that not many people see. Alcohol can do little harm when drank in small amounts – but in larger amounts, it has the potential to ruin your life.

Regular alcohol abuse can lead to serious health issues, ranging from severe liver problems to tremors and death. The government releases a new guideline every few years on alcohol intake – and where the line between healthy use and unhealthy abuse is drawn. Yet – many people do not adhere to these guidelines. This is not due to choice, but alcohol is simply very addictive.

This is very apparent in the city of Liverpool, which was named the worse in the UK for drug admissions to hospitals. In 2014/15 the city had 12,000 alcohol related hospital admissions with 243 deaths relating to alcohol in 2015.

Do you live in Liverpool or the North West, and you struggle with keeping your drinking habits in order? It is not too late. You can get help today for an addiction and it is simple to find a rehab centre near you. At Ocean Recovery Centre, we offer residential treatment for drug and alcohol rehab Liverpool. For those that are tired of the problems alcohol abuse brings, but cannot stop without help, call us today for alcohol addiction treatment on 01253 847 553.


Online Addiction Assessment


The Effects Addiction Has On The Brain

Once you become dependent on drugs and/or alcohol, you will see a rapid change in your mood and mental state of mind when the desired effects of the substance you are using wears off.

There are a few reasons for this, as there already may be underlying causes for your abuse and dependence. People who suffer with depression and anxiety often self-medicate by drinking alcohol or taking drugs; this can lead to a vicious cycle. Users can experience decreased anxiety or depression in the short term, but prolong use actually lowers your natural serotonin levels which regulates the happy feeling in the brain. Meaning the next day you would feel worse and your body can only return to a normal state by giving it the harmful substance that it is now become dependant on which in turn can have a more negative affect on an individuals mental health.


Residential rehab programmes in Liverpool

If you’re keen to fully rehabilitate, for the better, our drug and alcohol rehab Liverpool facilities here at Ocean Recovery are readily available.

Our aim through this targeted rehab treatment option is to tackle addiction head on. We follow structured, consistent and tested treatment rehabilitation programmes, known to carry high success rates. We ensure a personalised approach is followed to advance progression. We provide a private and safe haven to recover. We ensure no distractions or influences are present, helping you move efficiently through addiction recovery.

Through our consistent use of leading addiction treatments, the guidance of our rehab specialists, our holistic approach to rehab, our positive and healthy environments and our passion to help, we can help you return home to Liverpool, sober.

Likewise, we provide everything to hand to promote comfort, while also easing you back into everyday life. You’ll leave our rehab facility, prepared for a future without drugs and alcohol.

Invest into residential drug and alcohol rehab in Liverpool for a truly positive, worthwhile and life-changing rehab experience. Experience the true benefits of achieving addiction recovery, with our help. If you feel ready to rehabilitate, get in touch with our team today.


How Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Liverpool Service Works

The first step towards becoming drug and alcohol free – is detoxing. Detoxification is the process of clearing all harmful toxins from your body, literally and figuratively. Prolonged use of drugs and/or alcohol means that your body is used theses substances being in your bloodstream. The only way to clear all harmful toxins from your body, is by completely stopping drug and alcohol intake, if your addiction is more severe then a more gradual reduction is also considered.

During detoxification you may experience withdrawal symptoms which can be quite uncomfortable. Depending on the severity of your addiction, the withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe.

  • Mild symptoms include abdominal cramps, nausea and muscle/bone aches.
  • Moderate symptoms include diarrhoea, fatigue and vomiting.
  • Serious symptoms include increased anxiety, tremors, hypertension and a dangerously high heart rate. Prescription medication can be provided to help alleviate any of these symptoms.

It is for the above reasons that we would strongly recommend that no individual tries to detox at home as the consequences of this could be life threatening.

Upon successful completion of the detox stage you will be moved onto the next phase of rehab which is more focused towards healing the mind.

This stage involves daily counselling sessions with qualified therapists, regular support groups and several therapy sessions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT is designed to help you understand you mind better so you can have more control when exhibiting addictive behaviours. This will also help you with any cravings/triggers that you may experience when returning to normal life upon completion of your rehab programme.

We have a wide range of rehab plans available to residents in the Liverpool area with our experienced team committed to helping you build up a better life for yourself.

To find out more about our drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Liverpool call our admissions team today on 01253 847 553.

What happens after addiction rehab?

Recovery from addiction is an on-going journey and doesn’t end when you leave a treatment centre. Once you return to your normal daily routine you will be faced with the same challenges you had prior to rehab. This is why it is crucial for you to keep up with the aftercare provided. At Ocean recovery you are provided with 12 months of aftercare to guide you through the transition process and ensure you can adapt with the skills and techniques you developed during your treatment and therapy sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right rehab treatment provider can be a life-changing decision; here are some of the most common questions we are asked pre-admission.

How long is drug and alcohol rehab?

Each individuals journey with addiction recovery is different. There are many factors to consider when determining how long an individual will need at rehab like the time they have been addicted, what substance they are addicted to, their age, and even metabolism. Typical rehab lasts between 7 days – 3 months. The best way to determine how long you should attend rehab will be to call our specialist addiction rehab team today.