Crewe Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

If you are based in Crewe, suffering with an addiction, consider medical support through our drug and alcohol rehab programmes today.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Crewe

Although we know significant facts on the effects of an addiction – alcohol and drug dependencies are continuing to rise across the United Kingdom. With greater accessibility, towns like Crewe are experiencing many fatal and crime related episodes influenced by substance abuse.


The Facts About Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Whether it be alcohol to hazardous substances such as cocaine, demand is increasing, causing more and more addictions. We all know the hard facts about drug and alcohol consumption and how it can affect health, capacity to work, maintain relationships and live a quality life. However, for those who’ve only recently started to consume, you may be ignorant to the thought of developing an addiction.

Addictions can cause significant issues for your physical and mental health. Long-term consistent consumption can lead to heart attacks, cardiovascular issues, effect brain functionality and cause disorders such as depression, anxiety and paranoia. To overcome experiencing these side effects in the future, or to prevent further damage if you’re already living with them, seek specialised support today.

If you are based in Crewe, searching for a rehabilitation programme, here at Ocean Recovery Centre we can offer addiction therapy to help detach yourself from drug and alcohol influences.

Take the first step today by calling 01253 847 553 and let our team help you conquer the addiction which is holding you back.


Treatments Available at Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre

Before receiving our specialised treatment, our team will require details regarding your addiction. As we treat each client individually here, following personalised treatment plans, it is important that we understand the severity of your addiction. This will help devise the most suitable addiction treatment plan for you. We understand that you may find this step difficult. Our team are experienced and passionate to support you through your rehabilitation, following a non-judgmental approach. We understand that anyone can develop an addiction. For most, they stem from pervious negative and distressing episodes, therefore please do not be embarrassed. We are here to support you.

Once your journey here at Ocean Recovery Centre begins, you should expect to experience a variety of addiction treatments, helping to work on your whole being. Behavioural therapies will be completed to work on your psychological link to drugs, along with activity to overcome any physical cravings.

The array of methods available include:

  • A detox plan: Here is where a full detoxification will be completed to help our clients slowly disconnect from misuse. This will help prepare both body and mind detach from consistent consumption. Withdrawal symptoms will begin to present themselves, however, our holistic approach will ensure coping mechanisms are in place.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy: For most living with a drug or alcohol addiction, negative thoughts and further mental health issues are present. If you are experiencing symptoms of this, our CBT treatment will help break down your barriers and turn thoughts into positive ones. We will help you visualise a future without drugs, helping you take small steps to overcome your addiction.
  • Group therapy: Sometimes, speaking about problems helps. We have found that opening up and sharing experiences in a group setting inspires and progresses greater recovery.
  • Prevention classes: Alongside your addiction therapy, you will be taught coping mechanisms to help you prevent any future relapses. We understand that once you leave our rehab centre and transition back into your routine, anxiety will be present. Having these mechanisms in place with help you tackle any drug cravings.
  • Family therapy: Family are usually a key part of our clients support network. With that said, we encourage family therapy sessions to help them understand your addiction greater, along with communicating future steps post rehab. This will help both you and them when you return home to Crewe.

Once you have completed an array of addiction treatments, you should feel a complete disconnect from drug or alcohol, physically and mentally. Once you do feel positive regarding a future without substance abuse, a return home to Crewe will be recommended.

Learn life-changing and saving tools by completing your own personal addiction treatment programme, helping you lead an alcohol or drug-free, healthy future.


Support Throughout and Post Rehab

Alongside our industry leading addiction treatments, we understand how important support is through the rehabilitation process. For many individuals, a relocation from their hometown is required for residential treatment. We understand that if this is your situation, you may feel anxious. Be assured that support is key here at Ocean Recovery Centre.

From your initial enquiry, you will receive 24/7 support from our team. Whether that be in form of a listening ear, specialised advice, our addiction treatments or just some company, we will ensure that a hand-held approach is followed. We also understand how you may need some time to reflect alone. We will follow your pace, ensuring that you are receiving support when needed.

Continuous support will also be offered post rehab in the form of aftercare. We are here for you while you transition back into your life in Crewe, ensuring that you are comfortable and following your long-term recovery plan.

If you are living with an addiction, ensure that you seek expert rehab support today. Aiming to overcome this distressing time alone can be extremely difficult. Attempting to overcome it with general support can also be difficult. An addiction will be diminished if you work with medical addiction experts, follow a strong treatment plan, and have the inner drive to lead a better future.

The longer you leave it, a greater, more demanding rehabilitation process will be required. Whether you’re looking for some reassurance that your addiction can be diminished, or you would like to complete an initial assessment, get in touch with our team today.

You can contact us through phone, email and live chat to start the initial process. Whether this step is to help you or a loved one overcome an addiction, consider residential rehab support by calling 01253 847 553 or filling in our enquiry form.

Return home to Crewe leading a new, positive life, armed with life-saving skills, and a new mindset for long-term recovery.