Rotherham Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Ocean Recovery Centre offers drug and alcohol rehab services in Rotherham. If you require our addiction treatment services, ring us today on 01253 847 553 or use our contact form.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Rotherham

Ocean Recovery Centre offers drug and alcohol rehab services for people living in Rotherham. This service ranges from initial intervention, self, family or employer referrals, assessment, detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare. The rehab centre is open 365 days a year and 24 hours a day.

You may access this service by contacting us today. When you contact us, we conduct a telephone assessment. Following the completion of this assessment, you are usually able to begin your rehab treatment within as little as two hours pending upon availability.


FREE Intervention in Rotherham

At Ocean Recovery Centre, we offer a free intervention service across Rotherham and South Yorkshire. Unfortunately, your loved one may be in denial about his or her addiction. This is despite the fact that the addiction is descending your loved one into absolute chaos.

To assist your loved one in coming to terms with his or her addiction, Ocean Recovery Centre’s knowledgeable team of interventionists are here on hand to help.

The vast majority of intervention work is carried out over the telephone. We use a standard questionnaire to assess your loved one’s addiction. We then email the results of this assessment together with explanation notes to you and your loved one to read. Following this, we may then schedule an intervention meeting at your convenience.

Following the completion of any necessary intervention, you or your loved one will then be ready to undergo a detox and rehabilitation programme with Ocean Recovery Centre. This treatment will support your lifelong journey into recovery, and we believe you will achieve this goal with our help.



When you begin your treatment, you will be assessed by an experienced staff member. You will also be assigned to an addiction key worker who will work closely with you throughout your detox and rehabilitation programme.

During your assessment, a personalised treatment plan will be devised to ensure your overall treatment goals are met during your rehabilitation programme. The information we gather during your assessment will considerably influence the path we set you on during your stay at our residential treatment centre. And will assure that any goals set are achievable and appropriate for your personal needs and expectations.



A major component of treatment is to undergo a medically assisted detox programme. Again, the information you share with us during your initial assessment will greatly influence how we choose to tackle your detox programme. For instance, we will note whether you have undergone a detox in the past, and we shall also carry out a risk assessment to determine the dosage of prescription medication you will be given during your detox programme.

We will always advise attending our detox clinic rather than you attempting an at-home detox alone, as this can be extremely dangerous if done without a highly trained medical professional.


Treatments and Therapies

Once the detoxification is complete you will move on to your bespoke treatment plan.

At Ocean Recovery we have a number of treatments and therapies available. All our treatment options have been specially designed to be the most beneficial for recovery from any addiction.

Psychological therapies which will help to identify any past experiences and your personal triggers that led you to have an addiction and/or repeatedly use a damaging substance.

Some of the psychological therapies we have available are Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, trauma and abuse counselling and stress management.

We also believe well-being therapies are extremely beneficial to our clients, because of this we have a number on offer, art, drama and music therapies, diet and nutritional support and mindfulness.

Additionally, to your treatment, there are also a number of social activities to take advantage of during your stay with us. Daily walks or beach runs, group outings, quiz nights, films nights and there is an opportunity for your family to visit you whilst you are with us.


Relapse Prevention and Aftercare

Of course, detoxification and rehabilitation are very important stages of recovery but the plans and practices we design with you will help you maintain recovery once you return home.

Before you leave you will be taught the common early signs of relapse and your own personal triggers to help you maintain recovery. But if you feel you need additional support all our aftercare plans come with access to our 24/7 aftercare helpline. When you call the helpline, you will be able to speak to one of our highly trained staff who will guide you away from relapsing.

You will also be encouraged to engage with local Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotic Anonymous meetings.


How to Access Our Rehab

We operate on a self-referral basis. There is absolutely no requirement for a GP referral. This means there will be no official record of your attendance at our residential rehab centre.

We do however offer family and employer referrals, as we are very aware that sometimes it is the people closest to a person struggling with an addiction, rather than themselves, that suspect or become increasingly worried about an addict.

All information will be confidential, and our only goal is to get a person that is suffering help.

To find out how we may help today, contact us or contact us through the contact form on our website.