Barnsley Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Not too far away from Barnsley, our beautiful seaside-based rehab centre provides a wonderful environment in which to detox, recover and get your life back – call us now on 01253 847 553!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Barnsley

Has your addiction to drugs or alcohol gotten out of control? Do you need to re-charge your batteries so you can once again begin to live your life in sobriety? If you answered yes, then contact Ocean Recovery Centre today for fast and effective rehabilitation services for people living in Barnsley.

At Ocean Recovery Centre, we offer traditional and non-traditional forms of addiction therapy. We believe this gives you the best of both worlds. We offer traditional Librium supported detox programmes under medically supervised conditions. We also offer ultra-quick and effective IV detox programmes that may be completed 455.44% quicker than traditional Librium-based detox programmes. This is particularly beneficial for those of you wishing to complete treatment quickly.


Addiction in Barnsley

Over the past decade, the number of people in Barnsley living with an addiction to drugs or alcohol has continued to increase. This is perhaps due to funding cuts to public services that traditionally tackled these issues. This situation is causing a crisis and to fill this void, Ocean Recovery Centre offers private residential rehab treatment for people living in Barnsley.

The truth, many people living with an addiction are unable to overcome denial. People may believe that with time, they can cure their own addiction merely with willpower. However, with every day and week that passes, these people become closer and closer to hitting ‘rock bottom’. When this occurs, these people are left with a choice: either continue to take drug or alcohol and die, or seek our treatment and live. If you relate to this experience, we hope you will make the right decision by choosing to admit you need help and then seeking out that help.

Getting over denial and delusion about your addiction is the first step towards making positive life changes. Admitting that you need help isn’t easy. The best way to approach it is to take baby steps. One quick and easy step you can take today is to contact us on 01253 847 553. When you call, we conduct a short questionnaire. Once you have completed this questionnaire, we then read out your results and the significance of these results. This questionnaire is designed to objectively determine if you do or do not suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Undergoing this free questionnaire is one way we can help you overcome any denial you may have about the existence of your addiction to drugs or alcohol.


Undergoing A Medically Assisted Detox

If you suffer from acute alcoholism or drug addiction, you will require a medically assisted detox programme. To attempt a detox without this support is dangerous. Undergoing a detox, particularly for alcoholism, may cause you to suffer from a deadly seizure, raised blood pressure and cardiac arrest.

When you attend Ocean Recovery Centre, we ensure you are given prescription medications that nullify these risks. During your detox programme, you are observed by our clinic team literally 24 hours a day. This means your detox programme is safe and without danger.


Therapy: Detoxing The Mind

Whilst detoxification is vital, it’s not actually the most important part of going to rehab. This distinction belongs to therapy sessions. Whilst detoxification attempts to tackle the symptoms of addiction, therapy attempts to tackle the cause. Therapy attempts to change your outlook from the inside out. During therapy sessions, you focus on the emotions that cause you to drink alcohol or consume drugs. You will then be given the tools to tackle these emotions without resorting to substance misuse.

At first, you may be slightly intimidated by traditional ‘talking’ therapy techniques. For this reason, we slowly introduce you to therapy using less intimidating techniques such as art therapy and music therapy. This allows you to better understand and hence explore your emotional addiction triggers without undue pressure.

Eventually, you will begin to integrate into group therapy and one-to-one therapy sessions. These sessions make use of modern therapy methods such as mindfulness, CBT and psychotherapy. You will utilise the power of peer support and a licensed therapist will also be on hand to offer feedback when possible. You will also benefit from one-to-one therapy sessions. These sessions are highly private, and you may be comfortable talking about more intimate issues in the sole company of a therapist.


Requesting More Information On Residential Rehab

For assistance in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, contact Ocean Recovery Centre today on 01253 847 553. We believe we offer the most modern and effective addiction treatment in the UK today. We offer a holistic and therapeutic approach to addiction treatment, and we believe our results speak for themselves.