We have treatment centres for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Broughton

If you are based in Broughton, searching for a local drug and alcohol rehab centre, consider our addiction treatments here at Ocean Recovery Centre

Broughton Treatment Centres

Are you based in the Broughton area, suffering with the effects of a drug and alcohol addiction? There are many negative effects linked to drug and alcohol consumption. Side effects can vary from person to person, causing mild to extreme damage. The level of damage is influenced by the consistency and quantity of substance abuse.

The Facts About Drug and Alcohol Addiction

No matter whether your consumption has just started, and you find it difficult to believe an addiction could be on the horizon, if consumption continues, long-term damage will be caused. Act now before greater destruction is brought to your life and wellbeing.

Here at Ocean Recovery Centre, we have a local rehab facility close to your home town, offering addiction treatment and rehabilitation. From mental health disorders, to chronic drug abuse, we work with individuals across the spectrum, looking to revive their future.

If you are local to Broughton, seeking expert support through this challenging time, get in touch with our team today. We have a wealth of experience helping individuals like yourself through this transition, promoting long-term recovery.

Seek Expert Treatment Local to Broughton

Have you attempted to overcome your addiction alone? Working through a drug and alcohol addiction can be near enough impossible while being surrounded by your daily influences. For some, a small incident can trigger abuse.

With that said, selecting a rehab centre which is local to your Broughton base is recommended to promote home comforts. However, it is important that you ensure there is enough distance between your home base and your selected rehab centre.

Here at Ocean Recovery, we can provide a convenient yet focused rehab journey, ensuring you are getting the space and time to work on yourself. Once you enter our rehab centre, we will listen to your needs and addiction history to create an effective, personalised treatment programme.

Within your plan you will see a variety of methods working on both your psychological and physical connection and effects from drug and alcohol consumption. We follow a holistic approach here at our rehab centre, ensuring that each area of your addiction is slowly minimised, and diminished long-term. We believe that this strategy promotes for greater recovery long-term, ensuring that your whole being is aligned for a future without drug and alcohol consumption. You’ll be happy to know that our treatments are designed with recovery in mind, and are evidence-based, with many experiences of rehabilitating clients.

The type of industry leading addiction treatments you can expect to see on your personal plan include family therapy, detoxifications, mindfulness classes, cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling sessions. We will devise a plan where each treatment method compliments your progression, ensuring that suitable forms are being offered at the right time.

We will provide a full clinical detox to break any physical connections you have with drugs and alcohol. We will then get to the bottom of your influences, and ensure they are boxed off to reduce future relapses. We will help to inspire a positive outlook on your drug and alcohol-free future, preparing you for a mindset change. All in all, you will receive life-saving and changing tools to lead a sober life, controlled by you, and not your previous addiction.

Boost your opportunity to recover by investing in yourself and our highly successful addiction treatments here at Ocean Recovery Centre.

Receive Continuous Support Throughout Your Rehab Journey

Alongside our expert treatments, you will receive continuous support from our specialised team. From your initial enquiry you will receive 24-hour guidance to keep you on track throughout your rehab journey. We believe that support is a key factor when considering future recovery likelihood, therefore, we make this priority by listening to your needs.

Once you have returned home to Broughton, we will continue supporting you through our aftercare services. Prior to returning home, full coping mechanism and relapse prevention classes will be provided. These steps will go hand in hand with our aftercare outpatient treatment to keep you on track for long-term recovery.

We understand how difficult returning home to your influences can be. Therefore, we promote regular local support groups, counselling sessions and natural motivation techniques. We teach you healthy coping mechanisms and steps to take if any temptation does occur. We additionally communicate your long-term recovery plan with loved ones to ensure they understand your previous habits and how to move forward if a sign of a relapse develops. Our free aftercare service is available for 12 months post rehab to ensure that you have positively transitioned back into reality without giving into your old drug and alcohol consumption.

Here at Ocean Recovery Centre, we understand how difficult and daunting each step can be. We understand that long-term recovery may seem impossible. Without the right support it can be. However, we will do our utmost to use our addiction specialities to make recovery possible for you. We will instil confidence in the process for you, whilst promoting autonomy to develop your personal control and independence. We will ensure you are armed with the knowledge and skills to transform your future and lead a life without addiction for yourself.

If you are based in the Broughton area, consider our Blackpool based rehab centre today. Between our expert addiction treatments, quality support, credible team members and our private setting, we have all the details in place to help you through this difficult time. Whether you’re suffering alone or worried about your loved one’s future, we can offer specialised support.

Get in touch with our admissions team today to start your rehab journey. We will get to know your addiction history and recommend the most appropriate addiction treatments to cater to your needs. We will run through the rehab process with you to aid comfort and reassure you that rehab can help you long-term. Invest in a sober future by completing our residential addiction treatments. We can provide you with everything you need, however, you’ll need to take the first step today.