Newport Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

It may be time for you to consider attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Newport

If you have considered attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport, but believe that distancing yourself from your family, friends and hometown may be in your best interest as you recover, our private residential rehab can cater to your needs.

Located just over four hours away from Newport, our residential rehab in Blackpool boasts leading addiction recovery treatment, peaceful surroundings and several resources that will ensure your stay is as pleasant as can be.


What Causes an Individual to Suffer from An Addiction?

Here at Ocean Recovery, we have provided treatment to thousands of individuals since opening our doors.  We have welcomed people from all walks of life to obtain life-saving addiction recovery treatment at our centre.

As a result, we have seen first-hand that there is no one specific cause that increases an individual’s likelihood of suffering from an addiction.

Although addictions would be easier to prevent and treat if the sole cause of an addiction was the same for everybody, the harsh reality is that various factors influence and contribute to the possibility of addictions plaguing an individual’s life.

While therapy is required to determine the exact cause of an addiction, at Ocean Recovery, we acknowledge that stress, mental health disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and family history are some of the most common components that heighten an individual’s chances of developing an addiction at some point in their life.


How Is Addiction Treatment Administered?

Addiction recovery treatment is typically administered in three stages; detoxification, rehabilitation and aftercare.  Each of these stages contribute to addiction recovery in their own unique way.

Detoxification, for example, sees an individual withdraw from the substance they have become addicted to.

This removes any harmful toxins from an individual’s system and encourages the brain and body to function naturally once again. This stage of treatment typically lasts seven-days and requires medical intervention.

Unlike detoxification, rehabilitation purely consists of group and individual therapy.  Participating in regular therapy sessions enables an individual to acknowledge and understand the factors that have caused their addiction to arise.

In doing so, coping strategies can be developed to mitigate the risk of relapsing in the future.

Unlike detoxification and rehabilitation, aftercare support does not require around the clock care and intervention.  Aftercare is provided once an individual has left rehab and is ready to return to their everyday life.

Although rehab will have helped an individual overcome their addiction, aftercare support is offered to ensure that an individual remains sober and obtains a long-term recovery.


How Long Does Treatment Take?

If you are considering referring yourself to a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport, you will probably want to gauge how long it will take you to complete your treatment programme and overcome your addiction.

Although we completely understand your reasons for this, we are unable to put an exact timeframe on your recovery.  While this may be disheartening to hear, you must realise that addiction recovery is different for each individual.

It would help if you also remembered that while a treatment programme may only take a few months to complete, addiction recovery is a lifelong commitment.

As and when you contact us and complete your pre-admission assessment, we may be able to offer you an estimate of how long you will be required to stay at our treatment centre for.

If we can do this, we would ask you to remain open-minded.  As you commence your treatment programme, your progress will be under constant review.

If we believe that you may need treatment for a more extended period to ensure you make a full recovery, this will be recommended.


Will I Be Able to Go Home While I Undergo Treatment?

As an in-patient, you will not be able to return home as you complete your treatment programme.

We understand that this may be disappointing.  We also know that this will be somewhat upsetting to come to terms with.  However, we firmly believe that this is in your best interest.

As an in-patient, you will have around the clock care and support from our recovery team.  This care will prevent you from relapsing and will also ensure that you can truly focus on your recovery journey.

Away from rehab, temptation and influencing factors will once again surround you. Unfortunately, returning home even just for 24 hours could hinder your treatment.

While you will be unable to go home during your stay at our residential rehab, you will have the opportunity to contact your loved ones.

If deemed suitable, you may also have the ability to invite them to visit you here in Blackpool.


The Benefits of Seeking Support Today

Many individuals fail to seek immediate support for their drug or alcohol addictions. However, if you have come to realise that you are addicted to a substance, time truly is of the essence.

While you may feel somewhat apprehensive and nervous about asking for help, if you are reading this, you likely know it is in your best interest.

From overcoming your addiction to improving the quality of your life, seeking support affords a wealth of benefits.


Call Us

If, having considered a drug and alcohol rehab in Newport, you have concluded that attending a rehab further from home would provide you with a greater chance of recovering from your drug or alcohol addiction, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our admissions team is ready to take your call.  Regardless of the time of day, we can determine the treatment that you may require in order for you to make a long-term recovery.

From providing a bespoke treatment programme to offering a safe space for you to come face to face with your struggles, at Ocean Recovery, we are confident that we can help you.