Rhyl Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centres

Are you based in Rhyl, battling through the emotional rollercoaster of addiction? An addiction is a mental health and behavioural illness, difficult to manage without specialised support. Call us today on 01253 847 553 for FREE and confidential advice!

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres in Rhyl

Whether you’re worried about the drinking and drug taking habits of a loved one or think you may have an addiction yourself. There are lots of reasons why you might be searching for drug and alcohol rehab in Rhyl. Anyone can develop a drug or alcohol addiction at any point in their life, and while it can sometimes be triggered by an event or circumstances, there can be many reasons why someone develops substance misuse issues. At the Ocean Recovery Centre, we don’t judge people for developing addictions, we simply try to guide them on the right path to recovery through our world-class rehab programme.


Residential or outpatient treatment?

Whether you have an alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling addiction or any other compulsive type of behaviour, you’ll no doubt find a lot of treatment options when you look online. These range from home detoxes to alternative therapies and outpatient clinics. It can be difficult to decide which type of addiction treatment options might work best for you.

Many types of addiction treatment are carried out as an outpatient, so you attend clinic sessions during the day and stay at home. In some cases, this works well, and if you have commitments that you really can’t get away from, then it can be helpful. However, many people in recovery find it difficult to be in their home environment. There’s always the temptation to drink or use drugs, and you can easily fall into patterns of bad behaviour. However, if you have the willpower and determination, then it might be an option for you.

One of the types of treatment with the highest success rates is residential rehab. This is because the focus is on supporting people through detox and encouraging them to open up in therapy. When you undertake a 28-day programme with the Ocean Recovery Centre, you get intensive drug and alcohol counselling and go through workshops on relapse prevention. The aim isn’t just to get you off drugs and alcohol, but to ensure you have the tools you need to stay sober for life.

It can also help to spend time away from home, especially if you have a difficult home environment or could be influenced by friends who drink or use drugs. While a month sounds like a long time to be away, in the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that long, so it’s worth the effort to get into recovery from alcoholism or drug abuse.


What’s life like in the Ocean Recovery Centre?

If you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Rhyl and considering a residential program, then you may be wondering what life is like during your stay. While there’s often the misconception that rehabs are clinical, depressing places, the Ocean Recovery Centre is a homely environment. In fact, if you see it from outside, you wouldn’t know it was a clinic, and you don’t have to feel like you’re locked away.

Day to day life in rehab is made up of lots of different types of treatments. You’ll go through individual therapy such as CBT, which can be a great way to learn more about what led you to addiction. You can join a support group, which is led by one of our addiction counsellors, where you’ll discuss a wide range of topics. There are also holistic therapies, from massages to aromatherapy, all of which can help you relax and unwind, without the use of substances.

Those who come to us for addictions recovery will often have health issues due to neglecting their bodies. We ensure you are fed healthy, nutritious food and get regular exercise, which can help improve your mood and encourage you to look after yourself in the long term.


Who can use the Ocean Recovery Centre?

There’s not a set criteria for people to come to the Ocean Recovery Centre, you don’t need a referral from your GP, and we work with people whose addictions are described on different levels. Our substance misuse service is for anyone who wants to overcome their addiction and are willing to follow our programme and try their best. In return, we do all we can to help them achieve their goals.

There can be many reasons why people start to look for drug and alcohol rehab in Rhyl. Sometimes it’s because they’ve experienced homelessness or gone into debt due to their addiction, while in other cases, the criminal justice system has warned them to either go to rehab or risk going to jail. In some cases, it’s a simple as the person just wanting to enjoy life again, without having to turn to substances to do so.


Will I get support after rehab?

The first year of sobriety is the hardest, so when you complete 28 days with us, we offer you a year of free aftercare so you can stay on track. We also help you access services around the Rhyl area. Unfortunately, local government cuts mean there can be a shortage of places to help, but groups such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous can often be good for long-term support. Many people with addictions like to follow the 12 steps, as it gives them a good framework in which to rebuild their lives after addiction.

If you’re considering drug and alcohol rehab in Rhyl, call Ocean Recovery Centre on 01253 847 553 alternatively you can text HELP to 83222 and we’ll be happy to talk you through the treatment offered for drug and alcohol addiction.